Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Wednesday Start

I like to get in 5 workouts a week.  Six would be better.   By workouts I mean, hiking, gym time, swimming, and of course running.  Five is hard to hit.  It’s hard to hit especially when I miss the first two days of the week.  Monday and Tuesday, I felt ill and decided to take it easy.  (By the way, I consider Monday the first day of the week, many people don’t.  My beloved and every single calendar I own considers Sunday the first day of the week – go figure.)

Anyway, with the first two days off, I’ve got to pull a 5 day streak, which will be tough.   With heat like today, it’s going to be even tougher.  I had planned on a 14.5 mile route, then decided on a 9.5 mile.  By the time I arrived to Wood Canyon, I decided to cut my route even shorter.  I went for a 6.5 mile run in the coastal hills today, one of my usual trips, and the heat was scorching.  SCORCHING.  I did get a nice breeze though at Top of the World.

The run was tough.  But the run was lovely.  And I was glad when I finished my last step.  The first thing I did (after stretching my calves) was sit in the truck and blast the air conditioner.  Then I guzzled down the remainder of my Nuun dissolved ice water. 

Prickly Pear harvest time (if you dare):

Making the tough climb to Top of the World:

Pacific Ocean View:


  1. I also see Monday as the first day of the week. It is usually my rest day. I try to run the other 6 days. If I don't do it early in the morning it usually doesn't happen.

    1. If I don't do it in the morning, its very difficult for me to get in a run later. Once in a while, I can force myself.
