Tuesday, March 29, 2022


IMG_0078I originally planned my hike for Saturday with a ten+ miler that I knew would kick my butt. My desire was to get absolutely thrashed. And thrashed I was when I returned from Black Star Canyon. I felt like I had run an ultra. I really had no idea that my arm would ache from the swinging back and forth for 11 miles. Turns out, I do need arms to hike!

With my longest hike since my December injuries being only 5.5 relatively flat miles, I knew Black Star Canyon (which is not tricky at all, just a dirt truck trail) would be difficult. But you may know, I like difficult. Actually, I love difficult.

The morning was crisp and cold, just how I like it. But as I made my way up that steep incline, I realized I had dressed a little too warm for a sunny day in spring. After layering down a bit, I made it to my secret spot in about two hours. I felt good, not necessarily strong, but not aching. I had the entire spot where my secret spot is nestled to myself and hung out there for about an hour before heading back down the mountain.

I continued to feel good for much of the hike back. I could tell though that my body was merely moving automatically, not because I had any desire at all to move. I have to say, one of the greatest things I’ve learned in my life is how to keep on moving (mentally or physically) when I’m dead-dog-tired. This little characteristic has helped me out a great deal. And it helped me on Saturday to get back to the truck. My body was so fatigued, I knew that I had accomplished my goal. I was thrashed but wouldn’t feel the full affects for the next couple hours – I knew that because I’ve been through this before. Smile with tongue out

After the 45 minute drive home, I could barely move to get out of my truck. I kind of just fell out, landing on my feet on the front lawn. My husband who could see me from inside the house, came out to help me up the steps into our home. He’s also been through this before.

Wow. Finally. It’s been too long!

Black Star Canyon Road:IMG_0110Baker’s Cross:IMG_0113



IMG_0128My Secret Spot:IMG_0146

Morning Glory:IMG_0176IMG_0183IMG_0108

11 miles total (will upload watch later & upload elevation gain here) Rolling on the floor laughing

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