I woke at 3 AM and am so tired as I write this blog entry. So, I’ll try & make this brief. Today, I volunteered for the Harding Hustle, an out-and-back up Harding Truck Trail (approx. 30k) trail race. I caught the shuttle (school bus) at 4:40 AM and helped with the pre-race things, bibs, late registrants etc. Saw some people I knew. And met some people I only “knew” by their blogs. One of the volunteers was Catra (Dirt Diva). I also met for the first time, bloggers Billy (L.A. Runner), Glenn (Running Fat Guy – who wasn’t by the way, fat) and Greg (I Run, Therefore . . . I’m Thirsty) (Wait, I met Greg at Twin Peaks briefly).
Harding Hustle Shuttle
Volunteers: Andy, Catra and wife of runner (sorry, can’t remember everyone’s names : (
Runners: Unknown, Dave, Morgan
Race Director, Jessica Deline gives race directions
They’re Off!
And then it was quiet. Really quiet. I got a massage while waiting for the first numbers to start coming in over the radio. It was a chilly morning. I walked a bit up Harding Truck Trail to catch a bit it in photos. After the numbers rolled on in from the turnaround, we knew about when the front runners would start coming in. So, I took another little walk up Harding Truck Trail for a look. There was not a runner in sight. About to give up and turn around, I saw a flash of red coming around the corner. There he was, the first place runner, flying down truck trail. He was amazing.
After that the runners began dwindling in, and I wished I could have watched every single one of them cross the finish line – it was that exciting. I called out times for the volunteer recording them. I handed out medals. But I had to climb on the first bus back (about 9:45) and get home.
So dead-dog-tired (and I didn’t even run!), I walked in through the front door, said, “Good morning, I love you,” and then me and my husband said “good-night,” at the exact same time. My youngest boy roared with laughter at that as I walked straight to my room, crawled beneath the covers and tried to sleep. I got about an hour of sleep in. And now I must sign off, because I can barely even think.
Fun, fun day though.
Harding Truck Trail
Flowers Along the Trail
On my little walk along Harding during the quiet time
First Place (I believe, just a little over 2 hours!!)
Finisher Medals
More Runners Cross the Finish Line
Resting Up (notice massage tables in background, they fill up by the time I leave)