We had a break in the rain today and my local trains opened up here in the coastal hills of Southern California. Oddly, I decided on my timed loop. This loop in Aliso/Wood Canyons:
I didn’t feel like running a time looped, besides the fact that I was a little paranoid about rattlers. If you’ve been following, you might recall that my goal is to run this loop in two hours (also that I had a rattler encounter my last timed loop.) My best time has been two hours, two minutes. I made that time once.
I always felt in order to make 2 hours, I had to run to the top of Meadows (5 mile mark) in 1 hour. Today, I made it in the same ole’ time 1:03. With just one negative self-talk incident (I thought “I can’t” only once) I decided to attempt make-up time running the ridge through the neighborhoods at Top of the World. I felt I could do it since it’s relatively “easy” running (compared to the trails I’ve been racing in 2011).
I made West Ridge with 35 minutes to spare (pretty good, but not the best I’ve done). Then as I started running West Ridge (pictured below), I saw a runner that I usually see on the trails in this park. I caught up with her, then on the downhill, flew past her. I thought she was long gone, when on the next uphill, she was at my heels. What the heck!
If I didn’t know better, she didn’t like me catching her and passing so quickly on the downhill. I left her in the dust again on the next downhill. Then wouldn’t you know it! As I topped the next hill SHE PASSED ME. Well, IT. WAS. ON.
Neither of us spoke, as we raced along West Ridge. We actually ran side-by-side quite a few times. Other times we ran single-file just a few feet separating us. I’d pass her on the downhills. She’d catch me on the uphills. She got out a good distance at one point. But at the end, when we parted ways (she continued on West Ridge, I ran down Cholla). She was just a few feet in front.
I glanced at the garmin as I rounded the corner onto Cholla Trail. NINE minutes. I had nine minutes to make it to the finish line. I had a chance, though slight it might have been. Utterly fatigued, I took very small, quick steps as I sped down Cholla. Rounding the next corner onto Wood Canyon, the rest of the trip was uphill. I had five minutes. And I wanted to collapse. I could not let this chance pass. I had to try. I actually hiked, fast hiked a small portion of the uphill, and with two minutes to spare, I sprinted in.
Goal! I made it. I ran my loop in two hours. It seemed like the world was spinning a little, and I wanted to vomit. I stopped for a second, only to catch my breath, then turned the corner and walked a bit for a cool down.
Thank you un-named runner. You don’t know how much you helped me today.