Day Three of 100 Mile Week Celebration/Challenge: 42.85 Miles Run
Off again for another run, heading toward that 100 mile week. I started off tired. And upon taking off, I honestly thought, “I just can’t run today.” At .90 of a mile, I felt like my old self – enjoying the run. But I did learn today that it’s time to decide. Do I want to run 100 miles this week? Or do I want to explore run, like I so much love to do. I can’t do both. I just don’t have the time.
This cool, nearly chilly morning, I took off onto the river walk again. This time though, instead of crossing the bridge, I headed off along the west side of the creek where it splits. Just what is it that I’m looking for? Well, I once heard that I could run trails from the beach to the mountains, Trabuco Canyon, near the Holy Jim Trailhead. So far, all I have reached are dead ends and closed trails. You may ask, “What about a map?”
I say, “Eh? Can’t hear you?”
Today I found a trail called West Trabuco trail. I ran that until it turned into another trail by a different name. And then I came to this? Can you guess which path I took?
You guessed it! I took the right trail. And it was a lovely wide trail for quite some time. Then I passed a camper in the middle of nowhere. A bit later I passed a rundown house and worried that I was trespassing on private property. And then I came to this:
No more trail!! After traipsing though this thickness (as it got even thicker toward the creek), I finally found a bank to claw up back onto the original trail.
And so, I ran some more. Until I came to this. A lovely single track that I gleefully ran, hopeful that I would find a trail along the stream.
And then I ran upon this. An old abandoned house, surrounded by nothing but wildlife. A little spooked, but intrigued, I snuck up on the house, listening carefully. I figured though the house was abandoned, it could be some kind of drug house or perhaps homeless slept inside.
I simply could not resist and I went on in. The stairs intact, I even ran up to the second floor where I walked carefully among rusty nails and broken boards. There were sleeping bags and cases of empty beer cans scattered about. A blanket even hung like a curtain in one window. And large tree had fallen right through the top of the roof and had stabbed through the floor into the first story. I found it surreal. But then suddenly felt the urge to get out of there.
A bit nervous, I snapped one more shot as I took off to run that single track all the way down to the creek, where I indeed found a nice wide trail – actually a dry creek bed adjacent to the flowing creek.
I ran alongside the creek until I could not pass through the brush. Nor could I cross the creek without getting my feet wet. And so I turned around. My legs stung from tiny thorns perhaps – not sure. It felt like I had brushed against Stinging Nettle, a plant that I have only come across in Utah. I haven’t seen this irritating weed in California. But we may have something similar to it. I didn’t see any thorns, but my legs felt cut, though by appearance they were not. (I also noticed small bumps forming on my calves).
Unable to find the single track back, I found myself boxed in again. I just felt that I needed to get out of there. Deciding to trust my instinct, I crossed the creek, getting my shoes drenched. Surprisingly that lovely cold water got rid of the stinging legs (& even the bumps). Happily, I ran back up into downtown San Juan Capistrano.
And I saw this – pollywogs!
Feeling comfortable back in the historic district, I ran around until it was time to pick up our youngest son. Then I raced home to change clothes and shoes.
And then I returned to school to run with my two youngest sons for the Kids Run the O.C. program. After work this evening, I put in another mile run to bring today’s running total to 14.47 miles.
Exploring runs to cease for the next few days!