I’ve been doing some “spring” cleaning this summer. Most recently, I cleaned out my closet and beneath the bed. I got rid of no less than ten pairs of shoes. Most of them went into the trash bin, two pairs of boots and one pair of heels went into a charity box. I kept seven pairs of running shoes, though I only really ever wear two of them. Found a great deal of caps that I thought I lost. Organized my swim bag, and put it to the front of the closet for easy reach. Lastly, I dusted off my lonely old hydration packs, and stacked them in the corner of my room, my favorite, the light blue Ultimate Direction Wink, on top. Oh, how I miss that pack. It has been with me through so much.
I hadn’t planned on running yesterday, Sunday, especially with a rock cut on my toe that I gained Friday swimming in the ocean with my youngest son. As the day lingered on however, I day dreamt about my pack. And then I did something crazy. I took off in my truck in the middle of the day, around 3:00PM for a run in Wood Canyon. I really, really wanted to wear my pack. Though the seven mile trek out and back in Wood Canyon wouldn’t normally warrant a pack, I decided to bring her along. Besides, it was going to be hot.
Thankfully, it all began in shade . . .
The trails were relatively quiet. I came upon five or six hikers, a few runners. But for a weekend day, they were empty. There were snake trails, lots of bunnies, and stink bugs. A breeze blew once and again, and parts of the trail felt like an oven. I found peace in the struggling, even in the heat.
On the back portion, it got so hot, I had to walk some steps to cool down. I know a thing or two about overheating, and that I must cool down. Good thing I had lots of cool water in pack. I ended the run with relief and a smile.
Loving the Pack:
One of my favorite spots in Wood Canyon – this picture doesn’t come close to capturing the spot: