Thursday, March 18, 2010

Increasing Mileage

I have a short time here to increase mileage, being that I've got a marathon coming up mid-April.  My progress plans went down the toilet the end of December.  I haven't run a twenty plus mile since January 2nd.  Plan is now, increase mileage as much as I can, without injury.  Without injury, without injury, without injury!  Then go for it and run those 26.2 miles, even if I don't get a twenty plus mile in before then (though I'm hoping on at least one). 

Oddly, this hip injury could be the best thing that has happened to my running.  Why?  Because I learned firsthand how important core strength is (& I've already experienced the benefits).  I learned how important warm-ups and cool downs are.  I used to warm-up by running slowly, and my cool-down consisted of merely stretching.  Now I've added briskly walking for ten minutes to both the warm-up and cool-down periods.  And  I've learned some good exercises from physical therapy.  And what do I get from all this?  STRENGTH.

My run this morning (flat run!) was strong. (And I by the way, wore shorts!)   I ran in and out of every crevice of Doheny and Capo Beaches (where I passed that train above), the campgroup loop four times, the wharf a couple times, the island, and all along the marina.  The weather was warm, though a slight cool breeze blew around the marina waters that did wonders for me, not to mention the dozen or more drinking fountains along the way.  The whole run did wonders actually.

Miles logged today:  14.29.  I aimed for fifteen, but 14+ is good.  I simply cut it a bit short, because I still had things to do at home.

Felt great back at home.  I had a few blisters on my feet, which is an entirely new thing for me.  Never happened before.  Iced the hips (the injured and non-injured).  Then as evening approached, oh about 6:00 PM as I ran in high heel shoes to make my son's concert (I made it in the exact second they played the first note : ),  my feet took quite a beating in the blistered area.  About 8:00 my hip began to ache and stiffness set in.  After my physical therapy exercises and stretches, the ache was gone. (I suppose I'm still not 100% back yet)


  1. New to the blog. I am also just coming off a hip injury. Good job getting back on it.

  2. Wow, what a resume you have! First place Twin Peaks! Very impressive. Good luck with your hip injury. I am in awe that physical therapy actually works -- I am so knew at this. Really enjoyed your blog.
