I didn’t have any takers to run the mountains this morning. Oh how I love those mountain runs; they are oh so tough. But I’m just too chicken to run them alone. Actually, I think it’s relatively safe to run them alone. It’s just that I have 3 youngish children, and I wouldn’t want a stupid mistake (& I make them Plenty, see “Rat Story,”) or something beyond my control to take me out of my most important job: Mom.
So, I decided last night to allow (as if), my family to use our one and only car for church (oldest son is the acolyte this month – that is he lights the altar candles, puts them out, etc.), and I would take the bus to my run.
When my phone alarm rang out at 5:00 AM, I experienced a little panic – am I racing this morning, am I running with someone? No. I’m catching a 5:58 bus for my Station-to-Station run (Crystal Cove Ranger Station to Aliso Wood Ranger Station). Oh! That’s why the alarm was ringing!!!
I SO didn’t want to go. I wanted to sleep. This was this first time, it seems in a long time, that I had to force myself out the door. Odd, because, I bedded early, with a healthy diet this past week, including no sugar and no wine. I opted to skip the coffee this morning, but did have a protein drink. (By the way, I hear that protein before a run is NOT good – is that true?). Then after checking on all the boys, including hubby, I snuck out the front door and walked down to the bus stop.
Dreary-eyed waiting for the bus (yes, I do believe that I am crazy, just a bit)
Usually, I love riding the bus. But this morning’s bus driver was boring (A bus driver once spoiled me with such great entertainment, that no one compares!). In addition, I felt uncomfortable in my seat (that is my chair). I wanted to sleep, oh HOW I WANTED TO SLEEP. Several others rode the bus (ten plus) and three of us exited at the same stop. I walked up to the Crystal Cove ranger station with a young, (so young!) man with interesting conversation. I wish I would have snapped a picture of him. He didn’t seem so thrilled about being awake at this early hour. But I was an open ear and had plenty to say, so hopefully that woke him a bit. He also seemed apologetic about his new job, “only cleaning” the campsites, he said, to which I replied, “Hey, it’s a job!” Jobs are scarce in The O.C., both for the experienced and inexperienced.
When I told this boy (“boy” not used in disrespect) my plans to run up the canyon through Crystal Cove Park, then Laguna Wilderness, across Laguna Canyon and into Aliso Wood Cyns he was visibly shocked that these three parks connected. (Well, they sorta connect).
Crossing Bridge into El Moro Canyon
A lonely, yet beautiful El Moro Canyon Trail
I ran El Moro Canyon in solitude, except for a few mountain bikers riding down. One looked at me and said, “Boy, that looks like fun.” Though it was difficult, it was FUN. The best part was that as bikers rode down and saw me, they yelled out behind their shoulders, “runner!” That meant it looked like I was running up the canyon!"
From El Moro Canyon, I took the longer route up “Nice and Easy,” (a steep “fire road”), where I came across two other runners coming down. At the top of “Nice and Easy,” still beneath cloudy skies, I took a right and hoped onto a lovely single track named “Missing Link.” Several mountain bikers road down this trail as I ran up it. My clothing was already drench by this point. Then at a circular, kind of meeting point, I met several mountain bikers, and I was a bit unsure where to go. I asked them if I was still on “Missing Link.” One of the guys responded, “Yes, just take this up a ways and you’ll hit the MAIN ROAD.” Relieved, I ran on to “the main road.”
This is when I learned that my MAIN ROAD is not the same as another’s “main road.” To me, the main road on these trails is Bommer Road. I should have asked! Instead, I hit that “main road,” and ran it. And I ran it. Something seemed odd. With extremely overcast skies, it still seemed like I was probably running in the wrong direction. I was just hoping that I’d end up where I wanted, EVENTUALLY. And then I passed an outhouse. I’ve never seen an outhouse on Bommer road. But I have seen one on Moro Ridge. After using that outhouse, I took a good look around and it seemed that the ocean was in front of me (though I couldn’t see it) and I needed the ocean BEHIND me.
I met another runner as I ran back UP, UP, UP Moro ridge, and she confirmed that I was not on Bommer. Then I met yet another runner who was lost and we spotted yet another runner up ahead. We stopped her short of her solo run and she set us straight on which direction to take. We all three ran off in different directions. That truly is one of the lovely aspects of trail running.
Finally reaching Bommer Road
I used the aid of lots of hikers on my way off of Bommer. One small family was particularly helpful in finding Laurel Canyon. Glenn had once commented on this blog how Laurel Canyon was a beaut. And I have to agree with him. What came as a surprise was that Laurel Canyon emptied out right at the ranger station – a delightful surprise, since I was in newish territory! When I saw the rangers, I hollered out “Rangers!” and I used their expertise to guide me to Stair Steps Trail across the canyon up into Aliso Wood Canyons Park. The ranger told me he’d wave as I was “running” up, (maybe it’s just me, probably is, but I got the feeling that he didn’t believe that I’d be running up).
Laurel Canyon Trail

I crossed the crowded Laguna Canyon Road safely (Hwy 133) and ran in the brush to keep as far away from the speeding cars for about a 1/2 mile. Then when I came upon the land markers that the ranger had told me about, I headed up the slope. And what a slope it was! Stair steps doesn’t begin for a while. At first it’s a STRAIGHT UP paved road (very tough, that I hiked). Believe me, I was quite relieved when I finally hit Stair Steps Trail. It was a long (only .7 mile) steep, technical trail, but it was runnable in most places. Not only that, I knew exactly where I would come out – on West Ridge, MY TRAIL. Be sure that I made big waves when I could see the ranger station below. I couldn’t see the ranger. But I kinda hoped that he could see that I was running. 

Running up Stair Steps – Almost There!
When I hit West Ridge, I felt rather fatigued. But I was finally in familiar territory, which made the trek more mentally doable. I plugged away and finally after several hours from when I began, reached Top of the World. For some reason, at that point, I began dreaming of a plain cold water (without electrolytes) and an APPLE. An apple . . . an apple . . . apple.
Top of the World (THE LONG WAY)
The rest of this run was my regular run. But instead of running UP Meadows, I got to run down it. What a relief!
Running down Meadows
After taking a call from a friend while running down Meadows (and dang it, I forgot to call her back), I called my husband a bit later. With about 1/2 mile remaining of this run, I called hubby for a ride. My requests: a Pink Lady apple and a bottle of cold water. He delivered as requested when he picked me up at the Aliso/Wood Canyons ranger Station. The lot was packed with cars.
Miles logged this morning: 16.32, +2,917/-2,940 elevation