Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, we have passed the half-way point in the year.  Time to look at how my goals are headed (all of them, not just running)

Goal #1 Conquer Calico -- complete
Yes, I returned to Calico.  My time was longer in '10 than in '09.  But the race didn't chew me up and spit me out.  I nearly conquered the cramps, though not completely.  I did not fall.  And I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face (injured and all -- from a previous 09 race).

Goal #2  Run 3 Marathons -- almost there
I've run 2 marathons thus far in 2010, both pretty much kicked my butt.  As I've said before, I'd do it again, with the exact same results.  And of course, I got my first DFL, I was 6th place out of 6 marathoners in one of those marathons.  One more marathon to go -- and I'm going for a good one -- The Saddleback Marathon.  (Oh no!!)

Goal # 3 Lose Weight -- Failure thus far
I pretty much have not lost a single pound.  Sure I've lost a pound here, but then gained a pound there.  I'll lose 3, then gain 5, then drop 6 to start all over again.  I don't want my life to be about my weight, so I'm not going to stress too much about this.  Perhaps that is why I'm not successful yet in this weight loss journey.

Goal # 4 Volunteer 2 Races -- Goal!!!
I volunteered Twin Peaks 50/50 in February, and then the Harding Hustle (30K) in July.  It was a blast and a pleasure and as always AN ADVENTURE.

Goal #5 Find an Agent -- in progress
I can't say "failed" yet -- I am a fiction writer at heart, and yearn for an agent to represent me in publishing my novels.  This year though, I suddenly began writing a non-fiction book.  An interested publisher or an agent to represent me will fulfill this goal.  I've been so busy lately though, I've done little to accomplish publishing goals.  And I don't believe that I've submitted one single short story for publication this year : (  (But I have posted some on my fiction blog simplyfictionaltales.blogspot.com.)   I have however, published SEVERAL low paying internet articles this year,  and though I didn't necessarily agree with the editorial changes (because they took out my personality, not that my personality is great, but at least it is a personality), I am grateful for the by-lines that I can add to my resume.

Goal # 6 Run a 50k -- in progress
Bulldog 50k -- upcoming August 21!

Goal #7 Build a stronger core -- in progress
My core is definately stronger.  I've been weight training, doing planks, reverse crunches, etc.  I'm unsure when this goal is complete, but I know that I am progressing, yet still need a lot more strength in my core (all so that I can run more, that is my ultimate goal after all -- run, run, run, because I love running, so very, very oddly -- running was never me : ) 

Goal #7 Have more patience -- in progress
I believe I have practiced more patience this year.  But I need much improvement.  I want to be a positive influence on my sons.  I'm not yet where I want to be, but I have not failed, especially if I keep on trying. 

Goal #8 Don't sweat about the little things -- in progress
Again, I can never be exact on accomplishing this goal, but I have tried, really tried to stay in the present (that is why I run!).  If tomorrow is a stresser, I don't think about it until tomorrow.  I am much, much better this year about stressing over unimportant things.  REALLY.  DAMN IT. 

Specific fitness training goals:

Running Miles 62.41% of goal (year goal = 1,080 miles)
Elliptical Miles 44.82% of goal (year goal = 360 miles)
Swimming Yards 32.87% of goal (year goal = 54,000 yards)
Cycling (at the gym!!  I only own a 1 speed beach cruiser) 51% of goal (year goal 180 miles)
Weight Training Days 37.50% of goal (year goal 120 days)

These are just all my personal goals.  Of course, because I'm a bit crazy I have lots of other goals, like clean out my work-out gear, run more with my son, clean out the garage, throw tons of things away (I'm not very green, sorry), etc., that I didn't list here.  The goals listed are my main goals.  I am not saddened by the shortcomings, nor am I elated by the accomplishments.  I am indifferent about it all.  And that is not a good thing.  I don't want to be indifferent.  I NEVER LIKED INDIFFERENCE, YET THAT IS WHAT I AM BECOMMING.  It's just been one of those years, much which I haven't blogged about, because who wants to read about hardships and depressing things?  (Well, I take that back -- lots of people like reading about depressing things, because 1) they can relate, and 2) they feel better about their own lives).  That's not to say the first half of 2010 has been all depressing.  No.  I am very blessed.  And I believe that's the lesson I'm learning this year.  Despite EVERYTHING, I am blessed.  And I am lucky that I have even come this close to accomplishing these goals. AND THE YEAR'S NOT OVER YET : )