Sunday, December 27, 2009

Big Cat Challenge 2009 / Central Park, Huntington Beach

Just when I thought that I wasn't going to get in twenty races this year (because Crystal Cove was rain-postponed), I received an e-mail with a list of local races -- one of them the Big Cat Challenge in Huntington Beach. It offered a half marathon, a full marathon or as many miles as you could put in during a 12 hour period. The course: a 2 mile loop around Huntington Beach's Central Park. I wasn't sure about the repeat loop thing -- 7.5 times I would need to run it for 13.1 miles. And I always hated running a track. Still, it sounded interesting enough to give it a try.

When my phone alarm went off at 5 AM this morning, I thought to myself, "Whatever I've got planned I'M NOT DOING IT." I had to think hard before remembering -- I've got a race! And so I was up and out the door under darkness by 5:45. (I felt good driving in the dark for a run -- brought back good memories of amazing races and club runs.)

Breakfast in Central Park -- a quaint little joint with a lake view

The friendliest birds on Earth??? Coots. These birds just walked right up to me.

Bundled up good, layered with long sleeves (but wearing shorts), gloves, beanie and even scarf, my teeth still chattered from the cold as I picked up my bib. The t-shirt was top-notch, black with the gold Big Cat logo. I chuckled to myself over the fact that I'm embarrassed requesting a Small. I have this idea that the person giving me the shirt is thinking "You're NO small." : ) (Really, though, Medium race t's are too big.)

The crowd was indeed small. Less than 100 runners it seemed, all of us cold, but chipper on this beautiful December morning. I recognized some faces, runners I've seen at races, at least one that I've read her blog. I also recognized and talked to Mark, the guy I came in neck-in-neck across the finish line at the Route 66 half marathon in '08.

This was a "small town" race in the big OC, put on by Bob and Jenn English (I hope I got their names right) -- and they really couldn't have done a better job. We got off to a late start (thirty minutes), as Bob still had some course marking to do. Then Bob stood on his chair with the race directions, and after they played a recording of the National Anthem, Bob and Jenn set the clock, and we were off.

Listening to Race directions

At the Start Line

The loop was two miles. And it was surprisingly pleasant knowing just what to expect, having run it again and again. Mostly paved, we got in some trail portions also, with beautiful lakeside views. We all seemed to take that first loop pretty slowly at first. So cold it was, the woman in front of me ran with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Before finishing the first loop I ran into the parking lot (a quick detour) to put my gloves and beanie cap away.) Coming up on the aid station for the first time, I stopped quickly to tie my long sleeve around my waist. Before finishing lap 2, I took a second detour to my car to put away my shirt -- Now, that's something I've never done in a race. That's just how easy going I felt. This race for me was more about the experience than it was about my time.

Mid third loop, mile 5, I was lapped by two runners, a male, and the female who won Surf City's half marathon last year. I laughed and said, "Oh No, you lapped me!" The guy said, "Don't worry, you'll catch up."

That was nice. : ) I finished the third loop at 1:03:00. Not great, but not bad at all. I felt fine about the time -- this was a no pressure race for me -- my last of the year, my twentieth race : )

I took time on my fourth loop (miles 8 and 9) to document the course with photos. After each click, I tried to speed up my pace to make up for the photo stops. I'm not sure I did that. What can I say? Have camera, will click. That's just me.

The beginning of the loop, leads to a turn around toward the left corner of photo

After turn around, gonna veer off to left, making our way toward lake

Entering the dirt portion of the course (the one slight incline in the course)

We got a nice down hill just before entering this lovely grassy field

Running around the lake to finish up the 2 mile loop


There's those Coots again

Mile 8, a different guy lapped me. Mile 10, the first two who lapped me and that Mile 8 guy lapped me all at once. I was amazed at their pace. Then, at mile 12, the woman who one the Surf City Marathon, lapped me again -- she was minus those two other guys. She really was amazing.

I finished up lap 5 at 1:46:00 (again, not terrible, but could have done better). I felt pretty good, and tried to increase my pace on lap 6 to make up for those trips to the car and photo stops. Lap 7, I pushed. I knew I wasn't going to beat my best half marathon time (2 hrs, 15 minutes), I figured if I came in under 2 and a half hours, I'd be happy. And that I did. I finished at 2:21:??. And I was happy.

Me at finish (notice cool finisher's medal)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Early Morning Run

Merry Christmas (Eve)!!

I really can't think of a better way to open up Christmas Eve than to run to Top of the World. Yes, it was cold, cold, cold, especially in the canyon where frost could be seen on low-lying brush. But we were well prepared with gloves, beanies and Santa Hat.

We originally planned an out and back, up Cholla, to Westridge to the top where the trail overlooks Laguna Beach. On the way back, we took a slight detour, down Rockit to Coyote Run back to Wood Canyon, totalling out this Christmas Eve run with 7.47 miles.

Top of the World (Me, Victoria, Dave)

Waiting for Lauren : )

Bridge from Coyote Run to Wood Canyon Trail

Stream along Wood Canyon Trail

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Solitude Run -- Out and Back to Top of the World

I had originally posted a group run for this morning, but then learned about possible rain. So I cancelled that post, with the hope still that rain would not fall, and I'd get out there anyway. Gear ready, ipod loaded, I went to bed with my phone alarm set for 6:00 AM. I'm unsure exactly what time it began to pour -- somewhere between two and four AM, and I continued to wake throughout the night to the sound of high winds and more rain.

There went my plan.

I slept in (oh, til about 7:00 and lay about on the couch). Skies were clear when a few hours later I phoned the wilderness park to learn it was indeed open! By this time, I was preparing breakfast for the boys, and I thought all hope was lost for a trail run today. Oh, I'm going on and on here -- needless to say, I got out to Aliso Wood Canyons for a nice long run today.

The wind blew cold and hard as I made my way down into the canyon. The skies though, were bright and blue. Glorious. The trails were virtually empty, one or two bikers here and there. I saw one runner making my way through Wood Canyon. The solitude was joyous.

Who says we don't have fall color in California? (Oops, it's not fall anymore -- yesterday it turned winter : )

Crossing the stream on Wood Canyon before Mathis Trail

Still on Wood Canyon Trail, 3rd stream crossing

Mistletoe clumps high up on Sycamore branches

Leaf litter at the base of giant Sycamore in Wood Canyon

Shelter from the wind came just a bit after the Sycamore above, where the Coast Live Oaks shade the trail and the stream gurgles a few feet below the trail's edge (a little over 3 miles in from the ranger station). I didn't notice any animal tracks, no bunnies hopping about, no quail families wobbling alongside the trail. I was completely alone. Even when I came to the end of Wood Canyon where usually a small group of bikers congregate before making their way up Cholla -- no one.

Fungus along Wood Canyon Trail

Wood Canyon -- Moss growing along stream's edge

Running up Cholla was tough -- but it's getting easier. I made that turn at the top on Westridge and continued up and down, mostly up before any huge relief. The wind blew stronger on the ridge which was a little more populated with bikers and hikers. Just as I reached the top of the slow steady climb toward Rockit (& the water tower) a biker cycled up and stopped in front of me.

"Whew," he said. "That was tough! I WAS TRYING TO CATCH YOU BACK ON CHOLLA." He shook his head. "You're good."

There was a biker on Cholla? I chuckled. I guess I am improving some. Though I didn't acknowledge the compliment, I heard it loud and clear, and smiled.

"We've got a few more tough ones up ahead." I pointed up Westridge toward Top of the World.

"Oh, I'm going the sissy way," he said. "I'm going down Rockit."

"I wouldn't call that the sissy way," I laughed. And he zoomed down Rockit like a "bat out of hell."

On Westridge looking over, ALMOST THERE . . .

Top of the World! At last!

The wind blew its strongest at Top of the World. I took a quick detour into the park to refill on water and call home with an estimated time of arrival. The wind blew so hard that my husband couldn't hear me. Upon ducking into the bathrooms, I told him I'd be back at the car in about an hour and a half. And then I ran back up to the trail and headed back exactly the way I came. And it was a joy! Even back on Wood Canyon when I found myself kicking my ankles (from fatigue), it was still a joy. There were more bikers, a couple more runners, several more hikers. I saw a boy and his dad standing with their bikes on the side of the trail. They pointed out a coyote to me who stood off in the field. He was just looking at us.

Passing Mathis Trail, I began counting down the miles -- a sure sign of fatigue. Two and a half miles left! At the end of Wood Canyon, I turned back onto Aliso Creek Trail -- One and a half miles left! When the dirt trail ended -- .75 miles left! After passing the last sign marker -- .5 miles left! And then I could see the Church Steeple! That meant it was almost over -- success at my fingertips.

I ran on into the parking lot feeling pretty good for a hard 14 mile trail run. I was glad. Mighty glad.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spontaneous Turns

I looked forward to my Sunday run when I went to bed Saturday night. Sunday morning, 6AM, I crawled out of bed. I thought seriously about skipping it and sleeping in. But after 2 cups of coffee and over an hour later, I finally took those lonely steps out the door.

It was COLD. The breeze blew at my face, my legs were numb. I pulled my cashmere beanie over my ears and pulled on those gloves. (I wore shorts because of the pockets -- I knew that I'd need them later). With an ipod loaded with new music (not new as in recently recorded, but new as in music I haven't heard in a while), and ran myself into oblivion. I mean, I ran, and ran, and ran . . .

Not an hour in, my beanie was stuffed in my belt, my gloves in my pockets, my face and legs now enjoying that cold breeze. I ran inland for a while, up, up, up, then made my way down the condemned bike path to Monarch Beach. Waves roared and crashed violently on the shore. Dozens of surfers dotted the waters, runners and walkers alike made their way across the sand. The tide was high, but receding. Blue skies, white clouds -- absolutely gorgeous!

I ran at a slant on Monarch. The sand leveled out by the time I reached Salt Creek. The surf ate up much of Dana Strands, but I ran as much of the sand as I could, and taking a detour up the rocks, ran all the way to the cliffs, where I wondered if hopping up onto the cliff base was a good idea. There was little room to stand as the waves crashed all around me. Last thing I needed was to be swept into that cold water : (

And so I ran back across the sand and ran up the hill at Salt Creek towards town. I made a SPONTANEOUS turn back onto Highway One. Having not run this portion before, I didn't know there wasn't a sidewalk on the side of the street that I wanted. I like to run facing the traffic. And since I wasn't gonna run in the street, I crossed the highway for the sidewalk. Cars whizzed by, 50 mph plus, causing some anxiety. I noticed my breathing became labored -- nervousness? Or maybe I ran faster just to get off that part of the highway.

Coming into town, I noticed the new trail system on the bluffs was complete, so I took another SPONTANEOUS turn and ran up onto the Headlands where plenty of walkers made their way through the narrow landscaped trail that meandered in many directions. I knew I didn't have much time left to finish up this run, but I pushed it to fit in some more of my favorites -- the Cliffside path, pedestrian bridge, Doheny Beach, the jetty and wharf, when I finally made that climb up the big hill home.

Whew! I was a little tired. : ) I'm sure glad though that I didn't decide on sleeping in.

Total miles logged on Sunday: 15.63
52 Runners Total -- 4 of them barefoot (53 if I include myself who was running with shoes : )

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Quick Run to the Top (There she goes again!)

Skies were blue with white wispy clouds today as I headed up Cholla Trail. That trail now seems so, so much easier after Meadows Trail (Cholla is at least half the length of Meadows).

Didn't have much time today to fit in anything long, but I was determined to make it hard. Up and down Westridge was a chore, stopping just a few times to take a snapshot of the erosion from our rainstorm last week. I snapped a few more photos at Top of the World and quickly headed back.

At the bottom of Cholla I met a fine man, who I later took home with me (he was my husband!). Anyway, he was hiking up Cholla and invited me to go on up with him. So I turned around and made for a second run up Cholla. I wasn't ten steps in when I decided, "Hey, I already did this -- I'll wait for you back at the cars. : ) As previously mentioned, I am a planner. And I hadn't planned on heading back up Cholla.

And so I ran through the lush Canyon Vistas Park and stretched a good long while, much longer than I ever do. And then I cleaned all the trash out of my car (a spontaneous move!) -- and there was lots of it (not to mention some bags to put the trash in : ). I waited for hubby to return, then we both drove off together back home.

Miles ran this morning: 5.9 (actually a tad longer, but who's measuring?)

Erosion on Westridge

Looking back at Westridge from Top of the World
Saddleback Mtns to Right
Straight Ahead (very faintly) snow capped San Gabriel Mtns

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kitty on the Trail

The first thing this morning I checked Aliso/Wood Canyons website. CLOSED. I held out hope though, because the note was dated yesterday. 7 AM the park usually opens, I called to receive the message that it was closed due to muddy conditions. I still held out hope. After dropping my two oldest boys off at school, I phoned the park on my way back to the car. Same recording: CLOSED. Back at home, I checked the website and phoned again. Same answer: CLOSED.

Heck. I figured I better just get my youngest ready for school and prepared for a road run. Minutes before walking out the door with my antsy five-year-old, I refreshed the internet page one last time. It was about 8:45 (An hour and 45 minutes after Aliso Wood Cyns opens) and wouldn't you know it! The announcement read that the park was OPEN.

Well, somewhat ticked -- no a bit more than that, I rushed about my bedroom. I was prepared for a road run. I couldn't wear pants on the trail, I had to change my shoes, and my socks, not to mention find a handheld and fill it with water! Besides all that, it was way too late to go for a trail run. I worked this afternoon/evening -- I had way too much to do.

But I wanna run on dirt : (

After dropping my boy off at preschool, I drove on over to Aliso, still ticked and hit the trail wearing gloves and long sleeves -- but shorts mind you, my ipod, water, trail shoes and socks. (What's the difference between the socks I wear on the road and the ones I wear on the trail? Well, I wear any ole' socks for the road, but for the trail, I wear socks that sweat well, and socks that are firm around the ankle so that less debris can get in . . . just in case you were wondering).

Have I mentioned that I was angry? People who know me well, know that I am a planner -- I know well in advance when I am going to run, when I'm going to swim, when I'm going to get gasoline. Seldom do I do anything spontaneous. Needless to say, this morning -- not knowing, then deciding on the road, then changing last minute to a trail, well that threw me off. And so . . . I decided to RUN UP MEADOWS TRAIL. Tell me why Angry = Running up Meadows Trail? I'm not sure myself. I've only ever run it once with fellow runner Tom. And had he not convinced me, I probably wouldn't have run up Meadows yet.

I ran Aliso Creek Trail, which wasn't too muddy (and saw my Blue Heron friend), then turned off onto Wood Canyon for a quick left onto Meadows. Fast to get into my groove, I was not at all stressing over facing the climb. I was just running, listening to my music, thinking about nothing, but noticing bobcat and coyote tracks in the mud. Then up ahead, I saw a bobcat. He simply sat there on the paved trail that runs adjacement to Meadows Trail for a bit (Aliso Creek Trail). He was light, a grayish-brown with dark spots. He sat up straight, his ears pointed, looking right at me.

Can you believe that I didn't bring a camera? Alas, I did have my phone! I snapped a shot, then wondered what to do. I didn't want to cross his path running, figuring that might trigger the cat to chase me. I'm sure that I could fight off a bobcat, but he could probably do some good damage, leave some deep scratches. I took a step forward, slowly, and then another, and another. He just sat there, staring me down. I looked directly at the beauty, not wanting to show hesitation or fear, and I was sure as heck not gonna turn my back on the creature. Honestly, I wasn't too worried; I was more curious, wondering how it was gonna end.

Looks like an itty-bitty kitty in the picture my phone captured

Heck! I had the phone in my hand anyway, so I decided to phone my husband. I told him how I didn't want to run past the bobcat, and with each step the cat wasn't budging. He suggested throwing a stick or a rock in his direction. Not liking that idea, I took hubby's second advice. Just keep on slowly walking on the trail. I did that and the cat eventually, so, so, slowly backed up, And then he finally turned around, but kept his head turned back, looking at me the entire time he crept back into the brush. When I was certain that he was off and on his way, I picked up my run, crossed the bridge and headed up Meadows Trail.

Meadows was muddy and difficult to run. But not as difficult as the first time I ran it. A bunny thrashed through the brush so loudly that I literally jumped back when he darted across my path. At one point RUNNING UP MEADOWS, I had to grab onto branches to keep from slipping in the mud. It was great fun, salty, sweaty, how am I doing this fun!

Great relief to reach the top. Then when this lady (me), who had no time at all for a trail run, made the BIG loop. That is across the neighborhoods, along Westridge to a final descent down Cholla. There was plenty of erosion from the rain, mostly on Westridge, which had crevices so wide, it reminded me of an earthquake fracture. Cholla took all that rain pretty well. Wood Canyon was in good shape, with sandbags placed here and there to divert the runoff. I passed the other Blue Heron, and also a woman sitting high up in a sycamore tree. Her legs were swinging back and forth, her husband (I think) at the base looking up while he rocked a baby in a stroller. (Did this really happen?)

No, it wasn't a dream. When I finally reached the ranger station, one of the rangers said to me, "You've been all over!" And then he offered me some ice cold water from their supply inside. What a treat!

11.64 miles today