Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pity Party

The pity party is over.  I move onward from now on.  Life is one big adventure – the good and bad.  It all just IS.  And I just AM.  : )  Tomorrow I will juice fast (and juice does not include wine or sodas) to get the ball rolling, as a way to celebrate my new outlook. 

I am going to take things as they come, and not feel sorry for myself.

Wish me luck.  Old habits die hard. 

ps.  Tomorrow I go back to work, so what better time to make changes.

pss.  I haven’t chosen my next book.  Any suggestions?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yet, Another Day Of Rest

Since I’m in between runs, I thought this would be a good time to document my PF (Plantar Fasciitis).  Where to begin?  (I really should shower though, since I base my showers on runs, and I haven’t run for a while!!).

First off, months ago, as far back as June 2012, I felt the tightening in my calves.  After that, it seemed I often felt that calf tightening in the beginning of my runs, and stretched within the first mile.  Thereafter, I felt fine.  Still I worried, and I looked up “shin splints.”  Nothing seemed to match.

Secondly, I insisted on not purchasing new shoes, since I’m in a financial bind.  I wore my favorite shoes when the tread was visibly worn.  Seriously, since I basically have a mid-foot strike, and it had done me well for so long, I thought it was a “cure-all.”

Thirdly, since I was putting in so MANY hours running, I wanted to get home quickly, and therefore began skipping my stretch sessions.  I told myself that I would stretch back at home.  Of course, most of the time, I forgot to do that. NEVER DO THIS.  Always stretch after running.

Yes, I do have a mid-foot strike.  But one of my running friends, Tom B., noticed that I tend to heel strike on the downhills.  I should have paid more attention.  On my last run, I focused on this, and noticed that I had to exaggerate, practically doing a forefoot strike on the downhills to avoid the heel strike.

All this is retrospect.

As far as the “now” goes, I still have this unrealistic idea that I can’t be injured.  I have to face that unrealistic, obvious fact now.  I now have a notepad by the phone where I record my icings, my stretching and my tapings.

Whereas, I had been only icing twice daily, I iced 4 times today.  I’m rolling more often, and I’m apply new tape more often.

Besides all this, I’m still doing my napping, and I’m fretting, and I’m drinking my Sauvignon Blanc once  7 PM hits too often.    I’m also doing A LOT of reading.  Though my “reading” blog entries should really be posted in my literary blog: www.simplyfictionaltales.blogspot.com, I can’t help but mention my readings now since they are more of my life than running is now.

Most recently I finished Gone with the Wind  (Margaret Mitchell).  It affected me so much with ideas so profound and out-of-date that I can’t begin to write about them now.  Let me just write that I am very fortunate, and though Scarllett, the main character, had loving parents, family and friends, I have never felt the destitute she had to endure.

After that novel, I visited my private library.  Yes, I have a library, with thousands of books, many of which I have not yet read.  I decided to read a memoir by Augusten Burroughs, whom I am familiar with.  I have to tell you, after reading A Wolf at the Table AND drinking wine AGAIN tonight, I can’t help but feel fortunate.

Unlike Burroughs, I have always had loving parents who believed in me.  While I think I am crazy for doing this trail running thing, they seem to understand.  I truly think without their understanding, I would never line up at Twin Peaks 2 weeks from now.  And though, especially with my injury, I may not finish, it will not finish me.  My poor unknown friend, Augusten, never knew the strength that a father can give (he did have his loving mother for a while thankfully). Either way, my parents, though I sense they feel I am  “way too old for this,” they are proud.  Simply stated, both my parents will thankfully support me in this crazy endeavor I have in two weeks. 

To sum up this blog.  If you have time and have a liking for classics, READ GONE WITH THE WIND.  Secondly, if you want a more contemporary author who is not shy about writing the truth as he sees it, try Augusten Burroughs.  Thirdly, DO NOT WEAR WORN SHOES WHILE RUNNING.  And fourthly, STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH.

Love you all!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Trial Run

Recently, I purchased two new pair of running shoes (I got steal deals).  I can’t wear my running shoes out to the utmost like I have been.  Assuredly, I have learned my lesson.

I purchased my regular mountain running shoes, New Balance 876.  And I purchased the next generation of my New Balance 101’s, the New Balance 110’s.  It’s a low rise, lightweight shoe that I usually wear running the coastal hills because the terrain isn’t so brutal.  Now I have 3 perfectly good shoes to run in.  All the rest I should throw away.  (I already threw away my NB 101’s and it was such a sad occasion, I had my husband do it, because I couldn’t myself). 

Anyway, the New Balance 110 is virtually the same as the 101’s, except for two things.  The material is more rubbery than cloth-like, and the colors are WILD.  Now, I’m not one to go for wild colored running shoes.  But heck, the 101’s were my favorite shoes, so I might as well get the next generation.

I went ahead and took the plunge late this morning.  No, I didn’t go for a swim (I wish!).  I went for a run.  With a taped up arch and heal I took off running trails for an out-and-back to Top of the World in Laguna Beach. 

(Oh, and I also got my new camera.)

I felt fine on the trip out.  My feet felt good, though I could tell there was something “there,” I didn’t feel any pain.  The way out was mainly uphill.  I made decent time and didn’t feel like I had lost anything after 5 days off (which I’m terrified of doing).  I stopped once to talk with a hiker who wanted directions to Dripping Cave from the Ridge down Rock It.  The instructions were rather detailed involving 4 or 5 different trails.  He wrote them down and we departed both hoping for a grand adventure on his hike. 

I reached Top of the World ready to refill my handheld.  The day was hot and sunny.  I stopped to take in the view, even sat for a second.  The tape above my socks was coming undone due to dirt getting in between my skin and the adhesive. 

The run back was a different story for this trial run.  Starting off on a downhill, I felt pain right away.  Eventually the pain grew to a point that I found myself actually limping as I ran!  I thought I may have to walk back to my truck.  But as soon as the uphills began, my foot’s pain decreased.  I had some pain the entire trip back, always less on the uphills.  I sadly thought to myself, “I’m never going to be able to put 50 miles on these feet.”  What a defeatist!  Sad smile

Back at the car, I did some math in my head however, and realized that I needed to make this morning’s run a little less than 9 times to equal Twin Peaks total Mileage (52 miles).  “Humph!”  I laughed to myself when I decided, “I could run that 8 more times. Yes siree, I can.”

Two more weeks.  TWO MORE WEEKS.  (The red star is above Santiago Peak):

Today’s bizarre looking profile (6.42 miles run):Running Cyn Vistas out and back TOW 9-28-2012, Elevation - Distance

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What I’ve been doing . . .

I have not run since my last 23 mile mountain run this past Saturday.  So, what have I been doing?  Before I start, let me say that I have received a TREMENDOUS outpour of good wishes, advice and prayers.  I can’t tell you how fortunate this has made me feel.  Alma from The Average woman’s Running Blog has e-mailed me wonderful advice on how to treat my Plantar Fasciitis.  My running friend Michael gave me some KT tape that really wraps my foot well.  My sister-in-law, a nurse who has also suffered from Plantar Fasciitis gave me some great practical advice.  Many, many runners, too many to name, have given me so much knowledge on the topic.  With two weeks remaining until Twin Peaks, you can bet that I’m taking it all.

To recap, what started with what I thought was a broken foot or stress fracture, ended up being Plantar Fasciitis.  I have not suffered from this before.  Quite frankly, I have been humbled after two plus years injury free.  I sincerely thought the mid-foot strike was the prevention for everything.  WRONG.  I also ignored the signs, which is better left for a later post. (Looking back, it is all so obvious now).

For now, what the heck have I been doing with myself since I’m not running?

Well, I’ll tell ya – it’s not all good.  But I am rested . . . definitely rested.

I wake early, do laundry, wash dishes, pack three lunches, make three breakfasts for our boys.  Then I get them off to their schools (different schools, different times).  I’m home by about 8:45 and I promptly nap until about 12:30.  NO KIDDING.  This is my life right now. 

I may run a few errands before getting the boys home from school.  I ice my foot.  I roll with a tennis ball; I stretch.  Then about 2:30, I promptly nap until I have to pick up the eldest.  Then I return home and nap again until it’s time to start cooking dinner.. 

After dinner, I finish up the laundry.  And I do some ab work.  I lift some weights (upper body), I do floor exercises, sit up against the wall (without a chair) for two minutes, plank for a while.  I ice some more, stretch, re-tape for bedtime.  Then I drink wine and read until it’s time for bed (around 10 PM). 

Such is my life right now.  And I’m not feeling particularly joyful about it.  But I have a wonderful family.  And I’ve had such a great outpouring of concern, I can’t help but feel lucky. 

Thanks to all!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not So Good News

First the quick one – I actually broke ANOTHER camera.  Monday, I’ll embarrassingly put in a claim on my replacement plan / extended even-if-I –accidentally-throw-it-off-a-mountain warranty.  (Not to worry though, I still have pictures to share, and while I’m waiting for my reimbursement check, I always have my phone if I absolutely have to take a photo). 

Secondly, while I did not fracture/break my foot, unfortunately I cannot blame the no-support, no-give sandals for my foot pain.  The pain has returned, in abundance, but sporadically.  And I have self-diagnosed my problem as plantar fasciitis.  How do I know?  Well, I have a textbook case.  I run on uneven surfaces.  I’ve been running in worn shoes.  The pain is in the heal and arch.  It’s the worst in the mornings, etc. 

Friday, before I knew that I had this dreadful condition, I drove up into Saddleback Mountains (a very long, rocky dirt road) to stash 200 flluid ounces of water at Modjeska Peak for this morning’s long run.  The drive was delightful and scenic, but also very stressful.  I had to focus so hard on my driving (so that  didn’t wreck my truck or drive off the mountain), that I was actually drained upon returning.  It seemed actually more tiring to drive the route than to run it.  (I wouldn’t be able to run it though, carrying all that water).

A proud trail runner, for the first time stashing water in the mountains by myself : )

The drive down from Modjeska Peak:

Well, since I had already stashed water and planned to meet Cody L. for another training run, I wasn’t going to miss this morning’s run.  Pain or no pain.  Thing was, when I got out of bed at 4:30 AM, I practically fell to the ground when I stepped down on my left foot.  I iced my foot as I got ready and I was on the road by 5:00 AM wondering how I was going to do this.

First off, I cut our route short about 5 miles.  Instead of 28, we went for nearly 23.  It included two peaks, Santiago and Modjeska, lots of elevation, and a delightfully cool morning (but not minus the gnats).  I’m certainly grateful for Cody.  If he hadn’t made the long trip out, I may have not got in this run. 

Setting off up Holy Jim under darkness:

As I worked into this morning’s run, my foot pain became very bearable.  We made decent time to Bear Springs (top of Holy Jim), though we were five minutes slower than last week.  The best thing was, I made it to Santiago Peak in 2:46 (my record is 2:45 from what I recall).  Cody made it in 2:40 (but it was only his first time there – I have been to “the peak” countless times now).  It’s a hard, hard climb for me.  Very stressful.  To deal with it, I absolutely cannot think about the climb while going up.  I pretty much can’t think about anything.  I just moved forward, running some, mostly power-hiking that final couple miles to Santiago Peak.  The views made up for some of the struggle.  And of course, finally arriving, made up for all of the struggle.

The Main Divide on the way to Santiago Peak:

I saw one runner coming down about a half mile from the top.  I didn’t recognize him. But I bet he was training for Twin Peaks.  We also saw 2 other runners at the peak.  I know one of them, and he’s definitely training for the ultra, so I bet the other guy was as well. 

A quick stop at Santiago Peak to take in the view (beneath Cody’s hat, my Saddleback Marathon t-shirt – very cool that my race shirts can go to good use : )

Group Photo:

Looking  back at Santiago Peak on the way to Modjeska Peak:

The last 8 or so miles were downhill and quite painful for me.  My foot pain became progressively worse with each step.  Four other runners training for Twin Peaks (3 who I know) met up with us on Upper Holy Jim as they made their downhill trip from the peak. They gave me some good advice on treating my foot condition.  One of the guys said I can get rid of it in five days.  FIVE DAYS!  I am following his regime, you can be sure.  (I’ll go into that in another blog entry).  

Cody and the other four guys made it down to the lot before me.  I urged each one who passed not to wait or worry about me.  (Men tend to fear that I  need help or can’t be alone if I’m having trouble on the trails.  It’s sweet and part of their upbringing.  But really, I had to do this by myself).  My pain was increasing, and I didn’t need an extra voice, caring hand or someone to try and keep up with.  I basically tilted forward and with a blank mind plodded down Holy Jim, sure in a lot of pain.  At the same time, I was oh so grateful that I was able to make this run after all. 

As I sit here writing this entry, I’m rolling a tennis ball beneath my foot.  Now it’s time to put a sock on and ice.  I shall conquer this!  I must if I’m to run Twin Peaks.  I can’t attempt 50 miles with this foot. 

Today’s profile:Running Up HJ, Main Divide to Santiago Peak, Modjeska Peak, down MD, Upper Holy Jim, M 9-22-2012, Elevation - DistanceRunning Up HJ, Main Divide to Santiago Peak, Modjeska Peak, down MD, Upper Holy Jim, M 9-22-2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Which Is More Stupid?

After yesterday’s trail running fiasco adventure, I returned home to a hot bath, got the boys home from school and then I napped.  I slept miserably, feeling every single scratch on my skin.  Then I put on a dress and matching fancy flip-flops with no support or give in them whatsoever.  But their beads matched the color of my dress perfectly.  I spent the next two hours at our teenaged son’s back-to-school night, bumps still covering my arms and legs. 

By the time I arrived home last evening my left heal was giving me such miserable pain, that I could not put any weight on it.  Even when sitting and my feet up, my heal ached immensely.  Before I went to bed last night, I cancelled this morning’s planned run.  A great fear gripped my heart that today I would be scheduling an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon. 

I could barely sleep last night, having to eventually elevate my foot on two pillows.  I dreamt all night that I broke my foot, that I had somehow fractured it as I plodded down that steep trail during my trail running adventure. 

This morning I was pretty much convinced that I had fractured my foot.  “What a dummy!”  I thought.  Three weeks out from Twin Peaks and I got myself injured!  My morale was dipping quickly.  My middle son said to me, “Mom, if you broke your foot, you’d be screaming in pain – that’s what Dad told me when I thought that I broke my foot.”

After getting the boys off to school, I returned home and went straight to bed.  I took two ibuprofen and elevated my foot once again and hoped, oh did I hope that it was those dang sandals I wore last night that caused the pain.  I vaguely remembered them causing pain before.  Perhaps that’s why they were buried so deeply beneath my bed.

After sleeping for three hours, I woke with much decreased pain.  By two o’ clock I could put full weight on my left heal with no pain at all.  It was a miracle!!  : ) .  I’m sure I’ll never know what occurred, but I couldn’t help but wonder, which is more stupid – unknowingly running down a dead-end trail into a closed canyon or wearing a pair of no-give, no-support sandals simply because the beads matched the color of my dress?

I’m playing it safe from now on.  Really!!!