I ran for several hours today, in the heat, up steep climbs. Expecting June Gloom, I layered with long sleeves, and also forgot my sunscreen. Let’s just say I got myself a bit of heat training because I kept my long sleeves on until I could no longer bare it. I believe mile eight I finally took the layers off receiving cool comfort for a sunburn.
A good exchange at the time.
Today was what I thought of as my “start over” run, as Monday has always been start over day for me. That’s the day, when I “turn over a new leaf.” First off, my goal was to think through my troubles and not stop running until I thought through them all. My “new leaf” was to start a new training program that includes a good diet, a runner’s diet, not so much so that I can get thinner (though that’s a nice thought), but so that I can run better, stronger.
Flowers still bloom in the exposed, dry portions of our coastal hills
Times have changed greatly during this third anniversary of my trail running adventure (I began trail running June 2008). I no longer experience anxiety knowing that Meadows or Rock It approaches and I’m about to run it. And I actually run it! All of it. Yes, sweat pours off me as if someone were pouring a glass of water over my head (though not as refreshing). I can also look at the top and behind me, and it doesn’t freak me out.
Nearly to the top of Meadows Trail (about 700 ft. in a little less than a mile).
Running Top of the World (I can finally see the Pacific!!)
A summer bouquet along West Ridge
Running Stairs on Wood Creek Trail
Finally reaching Rock It, ready for trip number 2 in today’s run to Top of the World.
A View of Wood Canyon as I run down Mathis Trail
Stopping by Dripping Cave Trail, I meet a new friend.
This is a gopher snake with gorgeous rich and golden browns in its skin pattern. Though I didn’t see any rattlers today, I distinctly heard rattlers rattling away on three distinct occasions. At one point I was running a single track along Park Avenue Nature Trail when I heard the loud rattling. Well, I “high tailed” it off the single track onto a wide trail. Then I stopped as I always do to find the snake. It immediately stopped rattling, and I couldn’t see it anywhere. I was just checking to see if my perceptions were correct when I tossed a few rocks into the bushes where I thought I heard the rattling come from.
When it happened again, this time on West Ridge, I attempted my rock throwing attempt as soon as I ran quickly away from the direction I thought I heard the rattling. It didn’t make another sound, dang it. But I did confirm with a hiker that I ran up on that the rattling was coming from the bush I thought it was.
The third time I heard a rattler, it was the loudest. I was refilling my water at Top of the World. Since the snake was so loud, I knew exactly which way to run to avoid it. But that of course didn’t mean that I wouldn’t run into another snake on the single track back to West Ridge. I “high-tailed” again it with the decision, no more single tracks for today.
My plan should a rattler strike me: Sit. Yes, sit. Panicking or running will only make the venom travel through my body faster. I have the ranger station programed into my phone, so I will probably call them first, since they can come get me. If they don’t answer, then 911, it is. If I can’t get phone service, I’ll probably slowly move around a bit to see if I can get service. If not, I can try texting 911. And if all else fails, I will slowly WALK toward the ranger station, checking frequently for phone service. Let’s hope I never have to use this plan.
With that note, I hope you all had a good Father’s Day, and a great week running, or doing whatever it is that you enjoy doing.