Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Race Report Begins . . .

The race story never begins the day of the race, does it?  Well, here I am sick, my second day (just five days before my much looked forward to race).  I spent all day yesterday in bed.  Went off to work for three hours, returned and after dinner, crawled promptly back in bed.  Feeling better today.  Want so much to run, even if it's pavement.  The gym would be good too.  But I'm still achey, throat is sore and congestion thick.   I HAVE to get well by this weekend.  And I'm so afraid that if I don't rest, I will make myself worse.

Such is life.  Perhaps this rest will make me better for Calico : /

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tapering (& checking trails)

Saturday I set my alarm early for a paved run.  I woke so tired and cold, I decided to sleep in.  I mean way, way in!  I’ll call it tapering.  Later that afternoon, I took a drive to Aliso/Wood Canyons park, just to check.  Just to check how bad the trails were, and if there was a way I could sneak in.  I drove over Amwa bridge which was reinforced and posted with warnings against stopping and auto weight limits (no cars over 16,000 pounds – like I know how much our truck weighs).  Needless say, I drove across the short bridge very quickly. 

Gates were locked up tight, and the station looked empty of rangers.  I took a public upper dead-end road that leads to about the halfway mark on Aliso Creek Trail.  I could see from above that the creek was within its normal banks and the trail looked pretty clean.  And then at the cul-de-sac, the service entrance into the park was a ranger sitting in his truck : ))))

I got of my truck, he got out of his, and we walked toward each other, meeting at the gate.  We talked.  Apparently the trails aren’t going to open until next week.  Feeling a bit needy for trails, I asked about the unmarked ones on the other side of Top of the World, the trails that lead down to Laguna Canyon – they don’t seem to be part of any official trail system.  He smiled with a sly look and said that they weren’t monitoring them, and that if there’s no sign, well, that I could give it a try. 

“Are the slopes stable?”  I asked.  “Oh sure,” he said.  “Thing is, they’re awfully muddy.” 

And so I decided against driving all the way around (probably 10-15 miles) for a tromp in the mud.  Instead, I set my running gear by the door then set my alarm early once again for a run on the pavement Sunday morning (today).  Then after a movie with my oldest son, I snuggled into bed fairly early.  I woke, turned on the wall heater full-blast, surfed the internet, drank TWO cups of coffee.  Then I fell promptly back asleep on the couch.  When my middle boy woke, he covered me with more blankets, and I snuggled in deeper to sleep (hearing occasionally the ohhs and ahhs of Dragon Ball Z on the t.v.).  I didn’t wake until 10:30 AM!!

What is the matter with me?

Tapering.  That’s it.  I’m tapering.

I did manage to get in some speed training before heading out with our boys to visit my folks.  I felt like I had to get in SOME running.  So I used the local paved hills.  And I beat my fastest speed work pace of 6.44 with a pace of 6.23!  Of course, that’s not for a whole mile, just the speed burst.  And I have to say that I felt like I was going to fall flat on my face.

But I didn’t.  (Unbelievable.) 

One more week!  Just one more week . . .

Friday, January 7, 2011

Biding Time

All my local trails, and I mean ALL of them, are closed INDEFINATELY “due to wet and muddy conditions.”  I keep calling.  I keep checking websites.  I’ve seen pictures on-line and the (“my”) creeks have turned into rivers so badly that I can’t even recognize parks I know like the back of my hand (just what does that mean?  Am I supposed to know the back of my hand really, really good?  : )

With Calico a week away, I’m not fretting.  I’m not fretting because I’ve at least got SOME training under my belt.  Not as much as I’d like.  But I’m uninjured and partially strong.  Even if I don’t make my goals, I’m fine.  I just can’t wait to get out there.  I look forward to the beauty, the cold, the silent companionship.

Meanwhile, I’m spending lots of time in the gym.   Back to the weights.  I never really left the weights, except for the arms due to deltoid and pec injuries.  But now I’m good with even arm weights.  I’m mainly doing the elliptical, 65 minutes, lots of stretches, ab work, weights and foam rolling.  Back at home I’m keeping up with the floor exercises, all with hopes of starting Calico injury free. 

Ahhhhh.  Injury free.  I have learned much over the past year.  And that knowledge takes A LOT of time to practice.  My physical therapist told me that I needed to spend as much time on the floor with these exercises as I do running.  And of course, I laughed.  That’s just not possible. 

Just because it’s not possible, doesn’t mean I don’t try. 

Here’s to finding some place to run tomorrow.  I’m hoping for trails, but that’s unlikely : )  The rain really did us in trail-wise in The O.C.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

But I don’t “feel” old

People are always telling me that they feel “old”.  And I don’t feel old.  They tell me that their “old” body doesn’t work the way it used to.  I hate hearing that, because I don’t (or didn’t) feel the same.

And then that façade came crashing down . . .

When I was a kid, I was no “tom boy” (though I wouldn’t mind saying I was if I were.)  I was more of a “girly girl” – white buckle shoes, dresses, pigtails, etc.  But I also played in the mud, climbed trees.  I remember somersaults, cartwheels, quarter flips all summer long on the front lawns in my neighborhood.  I used to watch t.v. “standing” on my head!  And in an instant, I could bend backward (from a standing position) straight into a “back bend.”  I simply stood  straight, reached for the sky, bent back, and gracefully fell until my palms hit the ground, with my back arched and my feet remaining flat on the floor. 

As I talked about these activities with my oldest son last night (You know those conversations? “When I was a kid . . .  I didn’t have video games or even vcrs to entertain myself”,) he asked “What’s a back bend?” 

“Well, here, I’ll show you,” I boasted, to which my husband loudly exclaimed, “No, please No!”

I waltzed out into the hallway, lifted my hands up and bent back, just a little. My husband watched on, shaking his head.  Looking behind me as I prepared for this “back bend,” I realized that it was a long way between the floor and me now.  And this floor was hard.  I could hit my head.

“You’re not a contortionist anymore,” my husband said.

Okay, Okay, so maybe I need to work on simply falling into a “back bend.”

Not Me Wheel-Full-Back-Bend_slideshow_image 

But surely, I could lay down and lift myself up into a “back bend.”  No falling involved.  My head would be safe.

My husband laughed and warned, “Don’t do it!  Don’t do it!”  As my son watched on, curious to see what the heck a “back bend” was, I lifted myself from the floor while laying on my back.  And in the instant I tried to arch my back, an enormous cramp attacked my hamstring and I promptly fell to the ground. 

I guess I’ve been in denial . . . this body doesn’t work the way it used to.

But I still don’t feel “old.”  I just can’t do a “back bend” or probably even cartwheels across the neighborhood.  Heck.  I’m not even sure if I can do one cartwheel.  (Believe me!  After Calico, I’ll be working on that!)  I’m not sure yet about standing on my head.  I suspect there’s too much weight to rest upon my head for any length of time. : ))

I never see kids doing things like that any more.  Walking on their hands (I could do that too), standing on their heads.  In my day “jungle gyms” and front yard gymnastics were normal.

Such is life.  It changes.  That’s a good thing I suppose.  It’s just sometimes hard getting used to.

SO, all local trails remained closed today.  I talked with 2 kindergarten mother friends for quite some time after dropping my last boy off to school.  And then a minor emergency occurred with my middle boy (everything is okay), but I had to return to the school.  With much of my morning eaten up and work this afternoon, I had little time for a workout.  I knew what that meant:

Speed work.

Once a week.  That’s what I’ve been dedicated to since the last week in November.  I still hate it.  But I still do it.  Today, I ran my speed bursts on the local paved hills (right outside my front door) for a little over 2 miles.  The sweat began to pour quickly, and I doubted that I’d increased my speed any since I first started this torture. 

Surprise, surprise.  Back at home, after stretches, floor exercises and fifty jumps up onto the double-stacked railroad ties out back, I took a look at my speed work that is recorded in SportsTrack software.  Amazingly, I found that my fastest pace during these hellish speed workouts has increased (even after such a short time!)

I’ve only had five sessions and I’ve gone from a “fastest” pace of 8 something to 6 something.  I have to say.  I’m pleased.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that I’m even going to come close to running a 6 minute mile at Calico, or even an 8 minute mile.  What it means is that I’m stronger.  And for that, I’m glad.  Very glad!  Five speed workouts over five weeks have given me, in my opinion, big returns.

Speed Training Date       Fastest Pace

  1. Nov. 30, 2010        8:38
  2. Dec. 7, 2010         8:58
  3. Dec. 14, 2010       7:41
  4. Dec. 23, 2010       6:48
  5. Jan. 6, 2011          6:44

Thank you readers for all your comments, suggestions and encouragement.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Home Run

Back in California.  But my trails are all closed due to the past couple weeks of storms.  So I ran out my front door and did my old, old run (yes on pavement!).  And it wasn’t half bad.  Actually it was lovely.  Cool, almost cold.  There were trees down from the storm and Doheny’s shore was covered, I mean covered with sticks and branches.  San Juan Creek was flowing.  Other runners were out.  And they smiled.  I don’t think that I could have asked for a better run on pavement.  I didn’t even feel the extra impact – in fact, I felt light and airy.  I could have kept running and running.  But alas, I had to return home for chores and not to mention, I’m  back to work this week.


Miles logged for my first run in 2011:  10.02

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Goals

I’m not one for New Year Resolutions.  Sure they work for some people, maybe lots of people.  But not for me.  A resolution pretty much means, this is the quickest thing that I will fail at.  Making a resolution seems like I’m sabotaging myself.  I’m not sure why that is.  It’s like when I go on a diet – I gain weight.  So I don’t go on diets (I try to eat better) and I don’t make resolutions (I have goals).

My 2011 goals:

Be a better mother (more patient and helpful – helpful in a way that I will teach them more rather than being too lazy and just doing things for them myself)

Be a better wife (more understanding and kind)

Run a 50k


Emerge out of the bottom 25% in trail races

Run the second loop of The Great Silverado Foot Race 

Return to the Saddleback MarathonCalmness%20Lg

Volunteer for 2 races

Remain uninjured

Build a stronger core

Build a stronger mind

Build a calmer mind

Lose 15 pounds

Clean out my office

Clean out my closet

Write more fiction

Finish my One of Us novel

Find an literary agent

That’s not asking too much is it?  : )  Some of these I will reach, some I will not.  Those goals that I don’t reach, I WILL get closer to them.  That’s the best I can hope for.  Just keep trying and learning.  That’s my plan.

Wishing you all a successful 2011!

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 A Look Back

Happy New Year!  As I sit in this motel room in Deming, NM and write my New Years Blog, I can’t help but look back.  I’m usually always looking forward – I’m “The Planner.”  If you’ve visited my blog, you know that already.  For most, the new year is a time for looking forward.  For me, I just have to look back, at least one time.  The last time. 

I must quote Dickens when I say that 2010 was “the best of times and it was the worst of times.”  But I also have to admit that as far as fitness goes, it was not the worst of times (though I did not lose a single pound – however, that is not a real goal of mine, otherwise I would have achieved it). 

In 2010:

I ran 1,205.80 miles (mostly on the trail), did 342.27 sweaty miles on the elliptical crossramp.  I swam 31,450 yards, would have like to have done more, but any swimming I can get is great.  I LOVE to swim. Swimming to me is like flying, at least the closest I can get to physically flying.   I also cycled 178.44 miles.  I know that’s no great feat, but I’m no cycler and just do it for cross training “easy” days at the gym.  I also (can you believe I count these??) did 32,101 crunches.  I didn’t count how many planks or back exercises I did.  Nor how many times I cried over not being able to run.  Nor how many times I woke early and simply drank coffee, racing to get the boys off to school, then zoned at the p.c., deciding on household chores instead. But I will say that I had many exciting, happy and even some disappointing days on the trail. All of those miles – well worth it! 

I saw rattlesnakes, bobcats, deer, hawks and more.  I ran across gopher snakes, and even a fox most recently and uncontrollable dogs.  I came across an historic cemetery and an old car wreck.  I filmed many trails and enjoyed them all to no end.  I am happy to be a trail runner in 2010. 

2010 was also a year of many injuries.  It started off with a left hip injury that took physical therapy visits and mucho education to conquer.  There was the pelvis injury due to the car accident.  And also the glute/sciatic nerve issues, not to mention back spasms (probably related to the latter).  Fellow bloggers helped more than any through these.

At the end of 2010  I’m UNINJURED with a host of daily exercises to remain that way, if I want to keep up my love for the trails. (And I do, I do, I do.)

In 2010, I also ran 3 marathons, all tough, tough, tough, which I learned much.  I learned about calories during long runs, how to keep my mind calm and not panic.  I learned more about how to recover, and I conquered cramping this year better than last.  This year was also the first DNF (Did Not Finish) for me and DFL (Dead Friggin’ Last).  And I survived both of them.  I took the DNF much, much harder than the DFL (I actually cherished the DFL). 

I ran 11 races in 2010 (much under 2009’s number of races, but more miles than 2009’s races).  And best of all, I met new runners, and met up with runners I’ve run with before, and best of all, though I’m not a great, or even that good of a runner, I’m still a runner.

2010 was the year that:

We welcomed two beautiful baby girls into the family – one on the hubby’s side (Addison) and the other on my side (Miriam).

Our youngest boy entered kindergarten and met a great friend.

My oldest son added another instrument to his repertoire (the mandolin) and went to middle school (& not to mention broke his foot!).

My middle son went another year without a surgery and grew more confident and less anxious about school.

The housing market continued to fall in California and I saw more friends lose their jobs and houses. (Some moving out of The O.C. entirely)

I got to spend almost an entire summer with my east coast family who visited while my brother went to Afghanistan, AND

The oldest of my brothers returned from Afghanistan safe and sound. 

My middle brother was discharged from the military on a medical disability.

My car was totaled in a four car pile-up (but at the same time, THANKFULLY, our boys were not injured).

Our dear, dear dog Daisy died. (I still cry), and I WILL NEVER FORGET HER.

My parents home was TERRIBLY burglarized. (But no person was physically harmed, and that is the most important).

I rode an ambulance to the hospital with my son (and the Ambulance driver asked me the best way to get the freeway : ) Then not too soon afterward, I unfortunately took the trip by myself for unrelated issues.

I attended my second Writer’s Conference (& got a hook!)

Two long time neighbors moved (so sadly, but good news for them). 

My cousin’s son’s leukemia continued into remission. (Halleluiah!)

Our main computer crashed. 

Our backyard neighbor’s tree crashed down and we both had to build a new fence (good news, better than building a new garage).

And best of all, we got to visit Texas again after two long years.

But, sadly, sons cry over leaving too early.

This is what I remember from 2010.

I also purchased no new clothes in 2010.  I simply threw catalogues away without even perusing.  And I learned I could easily live with that!

And though my calves and quads and hamstrings grow stronger and stronger, I really couldn’t really care less.   All I want is to have fun exploring trails (not to mention wealth, health and happiness for my sons).  I’m just a girl who wants to have funnnn!  And fun to me is running up or down trails I’ve yet to venture.

Hiking on the Miertschin Ranch (Me and my SILLY boys).

ranch with boys