Monday, October 11, 2010

I am not ready

I am not ready for the Saddleback Marathon -- "California's hardest marathon."  I hardly ran in the Santa Ana Mountains all summer -- I think only once, and that wasn't a very long run.  But I am crazy enough that I'm gonna run this marathon anyway.  I've got two races before the big date -- nothing that will prepare me.  But I am, on the good side, venturing back to Malibu Creek State Park.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am returning to my nemesis. 

This will not be the first time I've entered a trail race ill-prepared.  Three young children, a job, a household to keep to mention a few obligations, things just get in the way.  Excuses.  Excuses.  If life always went as planned, it would be pretty boring, I say. 

I'm not that concerned, though I did want to run/hike up Holy Jim (aka Holy Crap) at least once before the Saddleback marathon.  Not going to happen.  Just not enough time.  It seems like every big race, something big happens that keeps me from my training plan.  Does that happen to you? 

I ran Calico this year with an aching hip, rubbing gobs of Icey-Hot beneath my hemline at each aid station.  Bulldog 50k, there was my car accident and 6 weeks of physical therapy right up to the race, not to mention I DIDN'T HEAT TRAIN. 

It really doesn't matter though.  I'm in this for the fun.  Yup, THE FUN.  There's no chance I'm placing, even in my age group.  What I want is to finish.  Even if I don't, I've had my first DNF, so I think I can handle another without sobbing hysterically. 

It really is all about the fun, the challenge, the adventure . . . the story.  That is why I enter trail races.  The story is just too good to pass up! 

How about you?  Why do you enter races that you have no chance of winning, or even placing in your age group?

ps.  No back spasms today.  We shall see about tomorrow.  Today I swam 2,000 yards, did some core work, lifted weights.  Tomorrow will be the true test.  I'm hopeful. : ) 


  1. you trail runners scare the sh*t out of me!

    I can barely handle my small family and job and my little 5&10k races ... and you guys do these marathons

    I have no chance of placing or winning anything! I run against my day-old-self.

  2. Andrew, your comment made me laugh and laugh! I'm really not scary (at least I don't think I am). 5 & 10k's are very admirable.

    I know what you mean about running against yourself. I do that too.
