Monday, August 6, 2012


ID-10078994I love, love, love readers who comment on my posts.  That’s not to say I don’t love all readers.  But I REALLY love the comments.  I can tell web-surfers visit my page, and some spend many minutes, enough to read something that I’ve written, which is a big treat for me.  Even “invisible” readers delight me to no end.   

Why do I like comments?  Because I like knowing who you are.  Stats don’t tell me that.  They just tell me what part of the world you’re in, how long you stopped by, and how you got here.   

SO, in an effort to get some comments, please tell me something.  Do you run?  If not, why do you find my blog worth reading?  If so, do you have a long run, how many miles is it?  And is it on the road or the trail?

Thanks for reading!!!

Photo used:  Free image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sunday, August 5, 2012

7 Deer, 2 Coyotes and a Squashed Stink Bug

Today The Plan dictated ten miles.  And I put THAT off as long as I could.  After yesterday’s wild mountain run, I would have never chosen to run ten miles today.  2:30 PM, my feet finally hit the dirt in torrential heat and rather warm winds. 

My calves were tight.  I ran slowly.  Slower than usual!  If I would have thought about it, I would have thought, “I’m never going to be able to do this.”  But I didn’t allow myself to think anything except, “One foot in front of the other . . . one foot in front of the other.” 

Taking on Aliso Creek Trail, One Foot in Front of the Other:

Feeling a bit like the squashed stink bug that I ran past on Aliso Creek Trail, I stopped at Wood Canyon to stretch my calves.  Except for a few bunnies and lots of lizards scampering about, I felt pretty lonely on that dry, hot, windy trail. 

At three miles into the run, I cheered, “Only 7 miles to go!” 

Soon after that, I ran up on several hikers, and as I passed them I saw a coyote prance through the dry grass alongside the trail.  I ran on some more along Wood Canyon Trail and very quickly spotted another coyote making his way through the grass.  Two coyotes within a couple minutes?  Now, THAT was a little different. 

The heat waged on as I eagerly ran toward the woods for some shade and beauty.  But before then, four deer grazing in the dry grass grabbed my attention.  I caught a picture of three of them here: 

By the time I made it to the woods, I felt pretty dang good.  Soreness went with the wind.  Suddenly a large doe jotted across the trail just a few feet in front of me.  I noted that when she reached the wooded area, she didn’t move.  Normally she would have raced off.  This only meant one thing.  There were others.  So, the inquisitiveness in me won over, and I stopped to investigate.  I spotted two baby deer on the side she came from.  Stepping away, I waited briefly for them to cross so that I could snap a picture.  After a minute or so, I figured I needed to run.  And so I ran on, continuing my way to the end of Wood Canyon.

At the end of Wood Canyon, I ran up Cholla, a pretty steep climb, especially in this heat.  But it was short.  Short makes all the difference.  Then I ran the rolling hills of West Ridge, glancing back at Santiago Peak wistfully.  At the top of Mathis Trail, I ran down hill for approximately 2 miles with glee, surprised that I was going to actually do this today – run ten miles. 

With 1 mile remaining, I picked up my speed and ran in disbelief.  “Thank God,” I said out loud . . . “Thank YOU God!”  I am so fortunate. 

Today’s elevation profile / 10.61 miles.  I came up 7 miles short for this week’s plan.  I was scheduled for 62 miles, ran 55 miles due to an injured shoulder and my pity party (& I have to attend my own pity party Smile  What would people say???)My Activities Wood Cyn Cholla Mathis Loop 8-5-2012, Elevation - Distance copy

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hard Week’s Long Run

Today I ran 24+ miles in the Saddleback Mountains.  I began in the dark and ended in sweltering heat.  I began loaded down with fluids.  I ended with one handheld filled from a small spring on the way down the mountain.  I had no choice but to load myself down with fluids.  It’s unfortunate (possibly, maybe not) that the only months to train for an autumn ultra is during the hottest months in Southern California.  Even with all the water that I carried (around 110 fluid ounces), I knew that still wouldn’t be enough.  I planned on two re-fill points, one at a secret stash for trail runners, and the other at Holy Jim’s spring.  When refilling at the “secret” stash, another runner came into the deep brush.  I think that I startled him. I heard him approach and amusingly made a step to hide.  Hilarious.  Ended up he is an ultra-runner that I’ve seen countless times, but have never met.  What an apropos place for an official meeting.  We departed in opposite directions.  But I was oh so glad to learn that I wasn’t the only nut out running in the Saddleback Mountains today. 

If you’re returning you may recall that I’m running my weeks, “Hard, Hard, Easy.”  This is the first week of “Hard.”  You probably also know that I’m having a difficult time with “training.”  It is making me feel weak, and it’s putting fret into my heart.  Frankly, I don’t like it much. 

I went out today thinking, “Just do the miles, try not to think about training.”  Most of the time when I run, I don’t think.  I try to stay in the moment.  That’s when running is most comfortable for me.  Today, I succeeded somewhat in not fretting over THE BIG RACE come October.  And I did have some fun.   Tiring, hard fun.

As always on these crazy runs, I broke it into sections/segments.  Otherwise, I don’t think I could accomplish this type of run.  But I did, all six segments.  And oh yes, do purchase a protection plan for your cameras.  Because I did, and already have a new camera.  Yes!  (And that’s with even admitting that I dropped my camera, and pretty much every camera I’ve broken).

The Pictorial:

Pre Run / Holy Jim Parking lot after a dang bumpy half hour off-road drive – READY TO RUN!  Don’t worry, it’s not as lonely as it looks.  At least 7 hikers just took off ahead of me:

Section 1:  Segment BlissfulApproximately 5 miles, Blissful, included Trabuco Trail (a lush beauty mixed with rocky desert) and my old friend, West Horse Thief, a delightful, STEEP switch-back, when taken in the cool morning air:

Section 2:  Segment Awesome Views, approximately 3 miles of rolling, ridgeline, truck-trail running along The Main Divide:

Section 3:  Segment Gnat-ville, 4 miles, 2 miles down Indian Truck Trail and 2 miles back up, with plenty of gnats flying up my nose and crawling on my face:

Section 4:  Segment Hell, approximately 5 miles up The Main Divide to Santiago Peak.  It got pretty tough for me during this segment.  Still, I was able to plow past the hikers starting up after their Holy Jim hike.  I am improving a bit:

Section 5: Segment Relief, 3 miles back down The Main Divide to Holy Jim Trail.  I met two young women resting in the shade on their way up.  They exclaimed, “We saw you FLYING up this earlier.  You are good!”  Flying?  I laughed at the word, but if they say so, okay, I was flying.  LOL.  I thanked the young ladies.  When they asked how often I did this, and I told them once a week, they both laughed and further exclaimed, “You’re crazy.”  Fun times:

Section 6: Segment Homeward Bound, 5 miles down Holy Jim in the sweltering heat, focusing on the moment, so that I didn’t fall:

The whole:My Activities up Horsethief to peak down Holy Jim 8-4-2012, Elevation - Distance

Thursday, August 2, 2012

So tempted

I woke at 5:00 this morning, so, so tempted to go back to sleep.  I was strong enough this morning not to let that happen.  However, I did sit around until 6:30 AM, enjoying my coffee and alone time.  When my oldest son woke, I bid him good-bye and by 6:50 AM my feet were pounding dirt.

As weak as I’ve been feeling I took the toughest trail in Aliso/Wood Canyons, that is Mentally Sensitive.  This cracks me up that I would pick this trail .  I didn’t find much humor in my run though.  Overall, I ran way too seriously, missing out on all the fun.  I did get to pose at the Top of the World.  And I did get to beat my time for this 13.34 loop by about a half an hour.  Most of that gain was due to the fact that I didn’t stop to swing in the city playground.  Nor did I stop to take many pictures.  Yes, I have broken YET ANOTHER camera.  But, I do have a phone.  And that of course means at least a few pictures. 

Thanks for reading! 

Glory going up Mentally Sensitive:120802_010

Top of the World:


Wood Canyon for the final push back to the truck:120802_015

13.34 miles (The loop:  Aliso Creek Trail, Wood Canyon, Meadows, Mentally Sensitive, Aswut, Top of the World, Park Avenue Nature Trail, West Ridge, Cholla, Wood Canyon, Aliso Creek):My Activities Big loop at Aiso, up Mentally Sensitive down Cholla 8-2-2012, Elevation - Distance copy

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting Over The Hump

I’ve been in a slump ever since I somehow managed to injure my shoulder.  Not sure how I did it, but I pretty much couldn’t move it on Monday.  Nursing my arm, icing it, applying heat, I wallowed in fear over my physical abilities for a couple days.  I watched athletic videos, growing more and more worried over whether I could get my act together and REALLY work.  I mean, push myself like a champion.  I feel like I can’t.  Though I have in other ways throughout my life, for example academically.  But never physically.  And that worries me in this whole training processes.

Today, I set my alarm early (AGAIN) and went out on the couch and went back to sleep (AGAIN).  My husband came out about 7:00 AM and asked why I wasn’t running.  I didn’t have anything positive to say.

He came out again at 8:00 AM and begged me to run, “Get back out there,” he said.  “Get over this hump.” 

I still lay there on the couch with no intention to run.  Then finally I couldn’t live with myself any longer worrying, worrying, worrying.  So, I raised myself up off the couch, dressed into some shorts, my Marine Hard Corps Marathon shirt, and trail shoes.  I grabbed a handheld full of water, got into my truck and arrived to Wood Canyon for a hilly, out-and-back run to the Top of the World in Laguna Beach

I made good time, though I found the run difficult.   Best thing for me was 1) I saw a rattlesnake, snapped a picture, then stomped the ground for it to coil so I could take another picture (but it quickly slithered away), and 2) I ran full-out the last hundred yards of this run.  That little ending sprint made me feel strong when I had been feeling so weak.

Socked-in at Top of the World this morning:

Meeting up with a Rattler on an unmarked single-track off of West Ridge:

6.36 miles run this morning (approx. 10.24 km)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

In the Zone

I set out running up Holy Jim this morning in cold weather (in the middle of summer!).  No idea whether I ran a good pace, I merely refused to look at my garmin to inquire.  Why?  It simply didn’t matter today.  My goal: run the loop.  Just run the loop.  And enjoy. 

Holy Jim Parking Lot, bundled up on an unusually cold morning for July:

I decided this morning not to get down on my training.  Trail running is my  passion after all.  My PASSION.  Good times and bad times come with my passion.  Mostly good times.  But ever since I began my training for the hardest race (forget that, hardest physical challenge) of my life, I’ve been getting down on my physical abilities way too much.  So today, I worked, yes.  And it was DANG hard.  But I enjoyed running the trails without negative self-talk.  I relished the dark cool forest of lower Holy Jim and then switch-back after switch-back after switch-back to the Main Divide. 

I ran Holy Jim in solitude as the sun rose above the mountains. When suddenly, I came upon 6 young men and women hiking down – pre-twenties, I’d guess.  Shocked was I!  And I learned that these “kids” began their hike up to Santiago Peak at Midnight.  And then they watched the sunrise from the highest point above Orange County.  Talk about great wholesome fun!

Headed to the Main Divide (at Bear Springs):

I finally looked upon my garmin at the Main Divide.  And I admit, I was a little disappointed that I ran it about twenty minutes slower than my fastest run up Holy Jim.  (I’m okay with that – the first time I went up Holy Jim I walked most of it!)  After exploring Bear Springs a bit, I actually found a trickle of a spring in the crack of the mountain.  Then I took off along the Main Divide with time goals in mind.  I gave myself 90 minutes to get to West Horse Thief.  It’s only about five miles, but a TOUGH five miles.  I enjoyed the up and down, mostly up.  And isn’t it weird that I made it in exactly 90 minutes?

I didn’t waste much time at the West Horse Thief trailhead.  Instead, I hopped right over the railing and headed down running as quickly as possible.  My goal was to run without the fear, and not take that rocky switch-back so slowly.  I ran, and I ran fast, focusing hard on my surroundings.  And then somewhere in that, it seemed that I grew into the mountain.  I was in the zone.  In a surreal manner, I noticed everything around me at once.  I saw the smooth places to step.  I noticed the flat spot on boulders.  And I ran so quickly over the rocks they didn’t roll.  I also noticed where horses recently fell off the trail into the ravine.  (I’ve ran that trail many times since that terrible incident occurred, and never noticed the obvious location where it occurred). 

I never tripped on my way down Horse Thief today, and I kept my speed up.  Success!  When I hit Trabuco trail I increased my speed, and ran hard all the way back to the truck.  I found it mentally tiring to stay in the moment focusing so intently.  But it was great!

My Activities Holy Jim Horse Thief Loop 7-28-2012 copyMy Activities Holy Jim Horse Thief Loop 7-28-2012, Elevation - Distance

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back on Easy Week

The moon looks like a perfect half this evening.  If I were a night runner, I could definitely get into that!  The moon was not out when I left my house this morning (or at least I didn’t see it).  The weather was already warm for being so early in the morning (7:00 AM).  The skies however, were gray, gray, gray.  Nice for summer running.  And I really needed this morning’s run.

I’m back on easy week this week.  I missed the first 2 runs of this week’s plan because it’s been so hectic at work.  A bit of background: I “taught” summer school for “late grads,” that is, students who didn’t get their credits in time to graduate for June.  I put “taught” in quotes because my job wasn’t as much teaching, as much as it was motivating, and pushing, and convincing young men and women into achieving their diploma.  It was exhausting work. Especially this last week (which ended yesterday, Wednesday). In 5 weeks, I made 87 phone calls on my own time.  Double that for e-mails pushing these “kids.”  And they were all worthwhile.    

Many of these young men and women succeeded.  And I will never see them again.  That’s kinda sad.  But happy is, many achieved their diplomas and  can move on in life, and happy is, I did make it out the door this morning for a run in Aliso/Wood Canyons Park. 

I really had no plan how many miles I would run.  I thought just do the minimum planned, and make up for the first two days, whatever I can.  The trails were lonely this morning, except for a few other runners who were not carrying water.  By the time I reached Wood Canyon, I decided I would run up Meadows Trail which is a nice, pretty-steep switch-back, but not too terrible.  At one time I would have called it hellish.  Now, I refer to it as a “mini”-Holy-Jim-type-trail.  It’s a switch-back and steep like Holy Jim.  But instead of five miles, Meadows is only 1.25 miles.  Heaven. 

I took it at a mellow stride.  On the flats I pushed for a faster pace.

Entering Meadows Trail:

Climbing Meadows:

Top of Meadows:

After reaching the top of Meadows Trail, I knew I could put in more than scheduled, and make up a little for the first two days missed this week.  Though the weather was muggy, a cool breeze blew here and there.  Not only that, plenty of friendly hikers made their way along the trail.  Most of them were carrying those “walking poles.”  I don’t know what that hiking gear is called.  But I’ve seriously considered purchasing them after having so much trouble running down rocky, steep inclines in the Saddleback Mountains. 

This morning, I saw a trail runner with those “poles.”  I really pushed after I heard her nipping at my heals.  I DID NOT WANT HER TO PASS.  Eventually, I looked back on the sly, and didn’t see her anywhere.  I supposed that she turned down another road or made it to her home.  My fear is that I’d trip and stab myself in the gut with those poles on a steep decline like West Horse Thief.

Top of the World pose:

For the first time, it seems in a long time, I ran a strong finish.  After running down Rock-it trail, a technical decline that I tried to run swiftly, I made my way onto a lovely, of-and-on-shady trail named Coyote Run.  As I ran this trail, two large deer crossed the single track a few feet in front of me.  I grabbed my camera from my Ultimate Direction pack pocket. I caught some pictures, but not good enough to post.  Then . . . THEN, right after I put the camera away, I noticed another large doe hiding in the brush.  She was a beauty.  I decided to keep the camera tucked away and keep on grooving.  I had by the way found my groove today, and I didn’t want to blow that. 

I ran into the ranger station stronger than I have than it seems like ages.  Now that my teaching job is over for the summer, I’m going to try to stay with “the plan.”  Here’s to hoping I can do it.  After napping today, I worked on upper body strength and ab work.  I really feel I have a long way to go.  But all is good.  Today’s run was awesome, regardless of the training plan.  Yay!

Thanks for reading, or for at least looking at my pictures.


Elevation profile for today’s route:  Aliso Creek Trail, Wood Cyn Trail, Meadows Trail, Top of the Workd, Park Ave. Nature Trail, West Ridge, Rockit, Coyote Run, Wood Canyon, Aliso Creek Trail: 

Approx. 11.3 miles. 

My Activities up Meadows down Rock it 7-26-2012, Elevation - Distance