Monday, May 12, 2014

My Lazy Twelve Miles

I woke late for a weekend run yesterday.  It was Mother’s Day in the USA.  And I got to feeling that I should stay home with my family instead of run.  I am a mother after all.  So, after dressing and packing for a run, I sat in my car with its motor running, and changed my mind about running.  I came back into the house so that I could spend the morning with my family (who were all still asleep at the time).  Fortunately my husband heard me, came out into the front room and said, “No way!  Today is your day.  You need to get out and do what you love to do.” 

And so, after an hour drive, thirty minutes of it off road, I headed up Holy Jim Trail at 8:30 in the morning this Mother’s Day.  Then I commenced to run a very lazy 12.71 miles of trail.  I write “lazy” because I really didn’t try at all.  It seemed that I didn’t put any effort into the run whatsoever.  I was there for the scenery, and enjoyed every second of it. 

The first five miles were a switch-back climb up Holy Jim.  I jumped over fallen trees and climbed beneath another.  I listened to a howling wind make its way through the canyon.  And I even took the time to stop at Holy Jim Falls.  It’s about a 1/2 mile detour off the main trail, which I rarely take because I’m usually too eager to make it to Bear Springs, the top of Holy Jim at The Main Divide.  I had a lovely time of solitude at the falls before the numerous hikers I passed along the way made their way to them.  I lost the crowds of hikers as I made my way back to the main trail and started up the big zig-zag alone.  

The wind blew so strongly along The Main Divide that I had to just stop and be there.  Wow.  It’s fierce howling made so much noise, it sounded like a jet airliner was flying close above.  I really just had to stand there (in awe!) and film this short clip so that I could show you a little of what it was like.

Beautiful Wind

I kind of liked running a lazy twelve miles.  It was no pressure, no guilt, no negative self-talk.  And I was actually able to finish strong, and that felt great.  I can’t remember the last time I was able to finish a mountain run that strong. Winking smile

Miles run 12.71 (my guess was 12.63)


  1. Nice "lazy" run! I think that's how I do all my runs.

  2. This sounds like the perfect kind of run! Very relaxing!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, that wind was wickedly beautiful. My description or even my video can never do it justice.
