Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm So Tired

I had planned for about 12 miles of hills this morning.   But I was so dang tired I could not imagine dragging my body up and down those hills.  For the first time in a long time concerning runs, my body said, "No, no, no, no, no!!!"

I felt that if I ran, I was going to somehow be sorry.  I wasn't just tired, tired.  I was utterly fatigued.  To save myself from perhaps injury, I listened to my body and cancelled today's solo run.

A couple hours later, I meekly grumbled, "How about the gym?"  To this question, my body responded, or rather did not respond, so I spent two hours at the gym.  Not to worry, I eased up and split the time between the elliptical and strength training.

Now as I get boys through their homework, make sure baths are taken, I am oh so tired still.  But not the same kind of utterly fatigued kind of tired that said "I'll curse you if you run," this morning.  I can just use a good sleep.  (And thank goodness I don't have to work tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, or the next : )

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